History of the Campuses and Buildings of the University of Rochester
United States Hotel Prince Street Campus Eastman School of Music Medical Center River Campus Mid-Campus South Campus Mt. Hope Campus Graduate, Family and Veteran Housing Central Utilities Other Off-Site Buildings
Prince Street Campus Kendrick Hall

Kendrick Hall, from old postcard

Picture of Kendrick Hall

Kendrick Hall, named after Professor of Greek Asahel C. Kendrick, was the first dormitory for the University of Rochester and opened in January 1913 to house men on the Prince Street Campus.  It was converted to a cooperative dormitory for women when the College for Men moved to River Campus in 1930 and was sold in 1955 for use as an apartment building.  It was demolished around 1966 and replaced with a new office building. 

1895 "At A Ripe Old Age," Democrat and Chronicle, October 22, 1895, Page 5.
Dr. A. C. Kendrick Died in This City Last Evening

1912 "To Be Focus of Life on Campus," Democrat and Chronicle, May 28, 1912, Page 14.
Social Room for Men in University Dormitory.  Named for A. C. Kendrick.
The scale of rentals that was decided upon by the trustees at their last meeting was as follows.  For suites of rooms on the first and second floor facing thecampus, $90 a year a student, or about $2.25 a week.  For suites of rooms facing College avenue, on the fist and second floors, $80 a year a student, or about $2 a week.  For suites on the third floor facing the campus, $75 a year and for suites on the College Avenue side of the third floor, $60 a year a student.

1913 Annual Catalogue of the University of Rochester
Pages 14-15:  Dormitory for Men

1913 An American Scholar: A Tribute to Asahel Clark Kendrick, 1809-1895, by Florence Hopkins Kendrick Cooper | also here |

1927 "Lunch Room at University, Run by Loss, Will be Continued if Students Use It," Democrat and Chronicle, Mar 13, 1927, Page 49.
In Kendrick Hall.

1927 Rochester, the making of a university, by Jesse Leonard Rosenberger, with an introduction by President Rush Rhees.
Page 293:  Following the completion of the Carnegie Building in 1911, the years of 1912 to 1914, inclusive, were years of almost continuous activity in building. First of all, a dormitory for men, which President Rhees had for years wanted, was erected, and was opened for use in January, 1913. It was called "Kendrick Hall," in memory of Asahel C. Kendrick, who was professor of the Greek language and literature from 1850 until the time of his death in 1895, although he ceased to give instruction in 1888.

1931 "Score of University Women Start Housekeeping in Man-Deserted Kendrick Hall to Cut Expenses," Democrat and Chronicle, October 11, 1931, Page II-1.

1932 "Living Costs? They're Least of 20 U. of R. Girls' Worries, for they Amount to Only $2.62 a Week," Democrat and Chronicle, June 5, 1932, Page 15.
Kendrick Hall Co-operative Dormitory

1955 "Kendrick Hall Sold by UR for Use as Apartment House," Democrat and Chronicle, August 19, 1955, Page 21.
Kendrick Hall dormitory at 65 College Ave. yesterday afternoon became the first building on the former Prince Street Campus of the University of Rochester College for Women to pass from ownership of the University.
Also sold the Bragdon House at 35 Strathallan Pk., corner of University Avenue, and Allton House, 493 University Ave.

1977 History of the University of Rochester, by Arthur J. May (on-line version with footnotes)
Chapter 15, Widening Horizons
Before the end of the first phase of the Rhees era, an alumnus was heard to remark that the campus would soon be so crowded with buildings that it would be impossible to install a hitching post. That wry observation was prompted by news (1907) that Grant Hugh Browne, 1885, a New York financier, wished to erect a dormitory for men. Unlike President Anderson, Rhees believed a college residence hall would be an asset, a magnet to draw students from out of the city, and the trustees endorsed that reasoning. Blueprints were prepared, but Browne, alas, went bankrupt, and the project was placed on the shelf until 1911. "Prexy" then proposed that dining facilities should be provided along with living quarters. In final form, the plans called for a residence center consisting of three sections, which would not only be cheaper than three individual structures, but would conserve space and look more attractive. Each section would rise to three stories with four suites on each floor, capable of caring for twenty-four men in all. Each suite would have a study with a fireplace, and two sleeping rooms; bathrooms on each floor would be equipped with showers.
By trustee decision the middle section would be built first, with two wings to be added when the need arose. It would be constructed of red brick and trimmed with red sandstone. Part of the first level was eventually set aside as a congenial place for student gatherings in an informal atmosphere, and after World War I a lunchroom was laid out in the basement. In keeping with undergraduate suggestions, a site between Anderson and Sibley Halls was chosen, in the heart of the campus, where the residence hall would help to promote activities, it was urged, that rounded out the college experience.
Funds having been furnished largely by alumni and trustees, work started in 1912 and in January , 1913, a few students moved into the finished portion of the dormitory. It was first thought of giving the name of Mixer to the section but eventually the honor went to Asahel C. Kendrick, professor of Greek, in the original Rochester faculty, in the hope that occupants would be reminded daily that the aim of the college was to educate cultured citizens who would cherish opportunities for reading and acquire a love of poetry and all forms of beauty, as Kendrick himself had done. Student sentiment favored, instead of simply Kendrick, the affectionate title of Kai Gar Hall. As matters turned out, the first section of the residence hall was the only part ever completed.

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