Timeline & Status
Implementation Timeline

During Exhibit, Planon demonstrates its' out-of-the box functionality. Planon then makes note of the parts of the system that meet UR functional requirements vs. the parts that may require customization.
After Exhibit, Planon delivers a (1) Traceability Matrix which lists UR requirements and a (2) Fit-Gap Analysis which identifies any gaps in functionality compared to those requirements.
During Design, Planon meets with UR design teams to gather in-depth information on fields and processes. Potential configuration changes are documented and brought to design teams for approval. Configuration may include field additions/deletions/substitutions as well as overall process flow changes.
This phase is where we take the best practices of Planon into account and shape the look and feel of the UR version of Planon.
During the Go-Live Phase, Planon hands off the finished configuration and uploaded data to the UR support team. The UR team then engages with various end users to validate the functional requirements agreed upon during the Exhibit phase. UR creates test cases to identify and remedy any potential issues.
Planon will also provide training to UR identified trainers who will then train end users in preparation for Go-Live.
Project Status